Bangkok river taxis.

The reclining Buddha, the moment of enlightenment.

Dreary Chiang Mai.

Muay Thai Boxing.

Children flying kites over the farmlands.

Biking through lazy farms and fields on a lazy afternoon in Tha Ton.

Temple in the clouds.

A dream I had.


The Mekong River.

Resturants on the waterfront.

Crossing the river into Laos.

The Buddhists' stairway to heaven.

One Beerlao and a fat stack of kip.


An offering to the diesel gods.

Four days on the Mekong.

Thai tourists gambling on the boat.


"bathing suit for water funny" So when we hit a rock and sink, i'm suppose to trust my life to this?


In the cave.

Here is your bird Brittany.

For good luck.

Sweet Dreams

Bodhi tree.



The secret to packing small.

Don't know what it was, didn't tast very good either.

Rugged northern Laos.

The most heavily bombed country in the world.

Nong Kiew

Nam Ou river.
omg, these photos are incredible. Thank you so much